Here's a video that was posted a lil' bit ago starring Mr. Tim Martin (Seth/Hank Henderson). It's called the Octopus Job; written by Joe Wengert, directed by my favorite improv teddy bear Will Hines, and also starring John Gemberling- whom Matt and I did a little animation for on "Fat Guy Stuck In The Internet". Naaaaaame droppppiiiiinngggggahhhhh. Sorry, I like to pretend I'm part of the scene.
And while we're on the subject of other peoples videos, For Tax Reasons will be taking part in a free animation screening this Wednesday in NYC called Midsummer Night Toons.
It will feature some sweet animated shorts and several episodes of Ronin Dojo Community College DX: The Digital Pirates of Dark Water Saga. Check out the above trailer, and come out to watch. Here's the info.
Wednesday, August 19th 2009
M1-5 Bar/Longue
52 Walker St. (b/w Church + Broadway)
Aaaand finally, I finished the poster for Carlapalooza.52 Walker St. (b/w Church + Broadway)

Ok, I'm going to go rehydrate. Tomorrow, the drawing marathon begins.
Sounds like your busy busy busy Mr. Levin. It's cool to hear about the great crew you have supporting "for tax reasons".
snap! i'm going to be at the m-15 thing! see ya there!
Thanks Stephen, I'll have to keep posting about the stuff they do. Emily and Tim are hi-larious peoples.
Sweet Smo we can finally hang out!
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