I tried to draw this semi-90's rude couple, but I can't decide which hair style to go with. In topical Olympic style, here are the three that would get some sort of medal.
1. long hair with head band:

I tried out shading them with dots since I'd like to silk screen it myself and I can only do one color. It took me a while to figure out how to do this, but it's pretty simple:
Make a circle of color on a really small canvas and then go to Edit>Define Pattern. And you can make a pattern to use with the paint bucket tool. I would make little white circles over a black background, they weren't as harsh as black circles on white. Since I was working in 400 DPI, my dot canvas' were ranging from 11x11 pixels - 25x25 pixels- anything below 8 was looking like like gray.
Anyways, I'm worried all these details might be too small for my silk screening skills. I don't know. I might try to just do a print them on paper or something. Anyways, here are the other runner ups:

Shanghai(r) Knights & Robot Rights
Better go with 2. Long bangs. Because I plan on buying this shirt.
Hah ok, if I can figure out how to swing this silk screening wise, I'm making three designs.
i can't tell the difference between 2 and 3... it's like playing the "which one is different" game.
on the photo booth set of them that is.
Hah yeah, she's got those little side burn hanging thingies in 3. What are those called?
"SBHT." Naturally. Pronounced "spit." ie: "I really like your spits..."
Then just enjoy the ensuing confusion.
Seriously, its like the baskin n' robbins of bangs.
But in order for us to really help you to decide, the real question you should be asking is "what yet unidentified and inadequately expressed social commentary/human condition am I attempting to communicate with said bangs."
I vote for 8. Unless 7 is better and I can't see the difference.
did a shirt design ever make it to the printer? Where can I pick one up?
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