So, almost all of the shots are in After Effects and everything is starting to come together. Here's what it's looking like so far.

Oh man, did my computer just make a goat noise? Dude, I gotta get out of here, it's 2 AM.
Barnyard Frights & Robot Rights
holy awesomeness batman, can you make that second pic into a wallpaper?
dust mites and robot rights
I love the character designs! I can't wait to see the final!
clown fights & robot rights
I, I, ain't gonna play Sun Citaaaaay
Homemade Kites and Robot Rights.
haha, nice man! It's looking really good. How much work do you have left so I can see it?
bright lights and robot rights.
hey awesome.
bagel bites and robot rights.
Hah thanks all. I'm working on the desktop Tom.
My goal is to have this short become so famous, someone makes a animated gif for a message board avatar out of it. I set the bar that high.
Man I'm gonna have to work hard on the next Robot Rights rhyme.
Awesome. Just awesome.
I've been cracking away on my contribution lately, I should have some sort of results in the next few weeks. Sorry for the relative slowness. I guess my signoff should be...
stalactites and robot rights
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