I only received one submission. I blame poor advertising, which consisted of a sticky note I put on a stray dog- hoping he would you know, wander around a lot. Nevertheless, that single submission was great, though I could have done without the mockery.

Anyways so I started coloring in the characters, ran it through a bunch of filters and stuff in After Effects and this is what I got!

Jimmie Walker sez:
Dyn-o-miite & Robot Riiights!
Oh man, are you the person who submitted that color scheme?
Yeahxxors!@11!! U don't think they're 2 brown do U?
my entry was just a mattress with a note attached that said 'Florida'
This thread is some epic win.
LOL!!!1!! chibi charactrs! zomg, do u do furry art?
lolz, dude, lolz
posting in a epic thread
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