I also drew some new banner artwork for my site. I call it A Circle Pit Landscape. Here it is in stages- as I like to present things.

Also, the Teenage Bottlerocket video is up on Youtube. Now you can watch it in sharp HD quality. Thanks goodness, I didn't sit around for months drawing in 5806 x 4158 pixel Photoshop canvas' for so everyone could watch a small chunky compressed version. I sat around for months drawing in 5806 x 4158 pixel Photoshop canvas' for so everyone could watch a sharply compressed version. Oh yeah. So sharp you could cut Gouda on it. Go ahead and put a hunk up to your screen and (as Bravo says) watch what happens.
I really like the banner art. I like that burnt sienna coloration.
Except, now I miss that cool photo of you with the pencil in your mouth. I always liked that photo.
This video is amazing!
That's a wicked cool banner.
"Bigger Than Kiss" was probably my favorite from They Came From The Shadows.
I've been following your stuff ever since "IM IN UR MANGER!"
Thanks dude!
GREAT JOB! AWESOME! loved it Keep it up!
dude, that banner art is ridiculously awesome! rock!
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