We recorded the audio for the Ronin Dojo Community College DX: Digital Pirates of Dark Water Saga Episode 3.5 today. There's Tim pouring over the script, intensely- because he's a genius. You can also see my thigh and my forearm in there too- they are also intense.
Interestingly enough, this episode takes place in a car with characters- sort of like in my short She She She She's A Bombshell. Once again, I reprise my role as the annoying dude in the back seat. As you can see in this detailed storyboard, that's my character, Mark, sitting in the back seat. Bombshell was 7 minutes long and took almost a year to make- this episode is 1 minute 40 seconds and we're hoping to make finish it in like three days. The difference is, this time we have the luxory of a head library, Cintiqs, and two sets of hands on the job. It will be an interesting comparison.So with a freshly cut animatic under our belts we're hoping to have this baby out by Thursday. Should be possible, we just have to stick to our schedules and not do too many extraneous things like oh I dunno, write blog posts.
I better go.
Yep, you read it correctly in the blog post title. July 17th - July 19th, Matt and I will be hitting up Otakon 2009! This time, we won't merely be spectators ready to plant their asses in folding chairs for 80+ hours of anime. Nope, this year we'll be hosting a panel!
It's going to be called "Let's Talk Animation! with For Tax Reasons". We'll be there taking questions and discussing DIY animation; how we do it, how you can do it and how it destroys lives. And to top it all off, we'll be screening the final episode of Ronin Dojo Community College DX: The Digital Pirates of Dark Water Saga. Which we have yet to animate. . . yeah we're cutting it kind of close.
So yeah, I gotta get back to drawing the backgrounds for Episode 3.5, which will be coming out next week. And as soon as we get the exact panel times I'll post them. So if you're going to be at the convention, come to the panel and say hi, or shout derrogatory remarks at us from behind a Trigun cross or something. I dunno, I need to have more recent anime references by July.