Anyways, like I had written before, the people at the Boston Underground Film Festival had been kind enough to invite me up to screen some of my materials with animator Patrick Smith. It was lots of fun, always interesting to see people react to all the For Tax Reasons material in real life. So I have to give a big thanks to Anna and everyone at BUFF and Amy and everyone involved with Space 242 for showing my stuff and putting me up. I hope they'll have me back someday.

This went on past 8pm. As you can see, at some point around 5:50 pm I had thought this whole thing was pretty amusing and started taking screen caps of the conversation, but the novelty quickly faded away. Even after we had settled on a render, we were having trouble with Youtube because the several uploads that we had cancelled had mucked up the system, preventing our final upload from fully processing.
But whatever, we got it up there eventually and people really latched on to it, which was great. I mean, as far as the content was concerned, we thought it was pretty good. And as I've said before, Tim Martin and Emily Tarver, who provided the voices for Hank Henderson and Agent Wilkins, both did an awesome job. Their reads and improvisations is what made this short funny.
Visually however, we thought we had fallen short. We had spent so much time with Episode 2.5 crafting these backgrounds and trying to really utilize the great perspective possibilities of a parking garage. But when we moved forward to Episode 3, we had arrogantly decided "Oh, this is simple, it all takes place in a small room, no problem". The boards we really rough, and I ended up just eyeballing most of the background drawing. The result was some wonky shots that had to be reworked into these very boring, straight laced shots. Some garbled perspective. And a general disappointment with our lives and what we had become as human beings.

Hopefully we will impress ourselves with the next short. I don't know why I wrote all this, I just wanted to post that gchat conversation.
also that jean thing happens to me every time i take my jeans off. how did you know about this problem?
i only read this blog for the fan service.
The Skaven are a race of humanoid rats in the Warharmmer universe.
Ok. . . I'm gonna go back into my nerd corner and die now.
it's such a shame about the rave music... so not boston. too bad we couldn't have waited until next weekend when Bane's singer was djing hip hop.
I definitely enjoyed the short! Two thumbs up man.
the other day I was in Skamania, WA
Dude seriously don't stop doing what you're doing.
oh hai!
this post reminded me, the fad is getting back together for a benefit show at the end of may methinks, somewhere just outside of nyc and it looks like there's a 3 floors of ska coming up at the end of may as well. food for thought! mash it up!
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