This time around, the bump that has sent my tomatoes flying is line thickness. If that's clear enough.
As I've mentioned before, Matt and I are using this system of head files, we create sets of heads for each character with movable and interchangeable mouths, eyes and eyebrows. It saves us the time of redrawing heads and mouths for each new shot, and for future shorts.
When we drew these heads, we drew them pretty big so that they could be used for close up shots and not look chunky. And for the close up's and medium shots, things have worked out pretty well.

In the future, we have to make sure that we're drawing these bodies as big as possible so that the line quality and thickness matches with the size of the heads, and that we're cleaning up these drawings with a finer line. If doing that doesn't fix the problem, I might consider duplicating the head files and making one set specifically for medium/wide shots by putting a stroke on the facial details of each component.
For now though, I'm going back and re-cleaning several of the shots. It seems ridiculous this late in the game, being that we're one night of work away from being picture locked. But hey, you can't spell "animator" without "anal".
Sphincter Tight & Robot Rights
yeah man lineweight is the bane of my existence! even in flash i'll draw one part way zoomed in to get detail then pull out for a simpler part and the lineweight gets all wonky. then when i scale things it just messes up.
it's hard to track the size of things when you can be scaling stuff and whatnot! but it sounds like you've got some solid solutions in the works.
and that megabrain thing i was talking about on my blog was a forum i made a year ago. a bunch of my animator friends got together and we started collecting reference, and i was gearing up to get together exercises for us all to do but it kind of fell apart quick.
here's some of the stuff we collected:
there's a ton more i've got to add to it now too.
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