The Dark Knight is definitely the best comic book/super hero movie aside from maybe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but they're practically in different genres so I won't put them up against each other. Man, I could go on for hours about how awesome TMNT is. Anyways, despite all of Dark Knight's completely solid awesomeness- I still can't bring myself to draw some Batman fan art drawrings. I grew up drawing Wile E. Coyote and copying Jim Lee panels from X-Men- specifically a lot of Psylocke and Beast. I only have a few Batman comic books in my small collection- so I feel like it would be dishonest to jump on the Batman fan art wagon right now. So I'm gonna draw a Psylocke.

Meanwhile... I still suck at color theory.

Dark Knights & Robot Rights
you wrote "fan art wagon", i read "fart wagon". just fyi.
The fart wagon is what you have to get on if you miss the band wagon.
psylocke has some thick ass thighs.
@zim: Hells yeah.
That Pyslocke pic is bitchin'...I demand more X-men fanart. Do me a Wolfsbane plox. Or a Cipher/Canonball pairing. Your choice.
i also read fart wagon.
ben levin you owe me a call or a visit, i might never make it off this wisdom teeth bed.
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