I made a quick little pencil test of a finished set of upturned mouths. I haphazardly threw them in, trying not to put too many vowels in a row. It kind of looks like he's saying "Pohsheyflaffp"- the standard phrase that animators have been using to test cheap mouth movements for years.
There's a weird line separating each mouth from the face. We like to draw full chin movements for our mouth sets, it's gives the characters a little more life. Since Photoshop needs a closed off area in order to quickly fill in the chin with color, we have to draw that wavy top line to enclose the chin- it's later erased or masked out in After Effects. Typically when you're drawing for animation, you try to close all of your lines so that the coloring process goes easier. Though when you don't have time to ink- it never seems to. At least for us, because we're not that smart, and I don't press hard enough when cleaning up or something.
Testing Mics & Robot Rights