So now that the otaku's have seen it, we're throwing it out to the internet. So here it is- the final RDCCDX: Digital Pirates of Dark Water Saga, it's Episode 4: "End of the Road".
Thanks to the Otakon Staff, Panel Ops, and the A/V crew for helping us out and twiddling with the sound each time I annoyingly asked. Thanks to Alan from Otaku Generation and Scott for helping us with the Otakon stuff. Thanks to all the people who came out to the panel and laughed and asked questions. Thanks to Tim Martin to providing hilarious voice acting, Matt Mayer for making some sweet 3-D titles and helping us with compositing, Darrell for coloring and taking photos during the panel and Zack for video taping the panel and giving us his advice.

to the van, to otakon panel, to the van, and back home.
It was awesome! You guys were great and I couldn't of asked for a better introduction to Otakon. Well, I did ask but no Misty cosplayers agreed to rolling me out in an oversized Pokeball. Now I can actually do a For Tax Reasons post on my fan site. Probably later tonight as I'm on a bus for the time being.
Awesome ending! kinda wish I could have gone to Otakon buuuuttt kind of on the poor side.
glad the panel was well attended and went really well! the last episode rocked!! nicely done, yay!
I wish I knew you were in Baltimore. I played a show at the sidebar Saturday night with some nintendo bands and we had a lot of Otakon people there. Anyway, the new stuff looks great, keep up the good work.
Thanks everyone.
Aw man Alex, yeah Rudy texted me he was there I think. But we were so wiped though from lack of sleep we had to check out and head back to Olney.
I was there for every glorious minute of your panel and you guys did not disappoint! I even dragged my husband along and he enjoyed every second of it. I have just given you another for tax reasons fan, so you are welcome. Thank you so much for indulging all of us otaku and showing all of the Ronin Dojo series. I was the one that requested the showing of the HP paper craft episode so thank you for showing that as well. Whenever I'm at work and I'm bored (which is 95% of the time) I always sneak a peek at you tube and watch your videos. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more from you both!
Oh I remember you. Thanks so much for coming out, and thanks for bringing your husband along. I'm glad we made it we made it worth his while too.
Yeah we'll keep pumping new shorts out. And we really hope to return to Otakon next year to premiere some more stuff and see fans in person, which is the best part. So I hope I see you again.
Thanks for the comment back. I wanted to let you know that after the con my husband went on to amazon and bought the Tezuka and Richard Williams animation books for me. I'm really looking forward to reading them and learning more about animation. Thanks again for a great panel!
you guys are making me sad pants about the ending. Not a fan of anime or gaming much [ anime not at all ]
but im a fan of your great writing and animation. hopefully we will see a continuation of these guys doing something else or what have you.
all right gents keep it up.
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