MC Tom Callow
Tom Callow's making the headlines on today. AKA there's a new short starring everybody's favorite nerds (aside from those three extras in Saved by the Bell) in an exclusive for Boing Boing TV. The highlight is clearly Tim Martin's performance as Barry's Dad. He's great and improvised a lot of those lines. And if you watch past the Michael Bay appearance, you get to see a dark look into the soul of making animation in Queens.
Also I made an IN UR MANGER t-shirt design:
I'm going to start silk screening it onto t-shirts, so if you want to buy one, check out the merch section of the For Tax Reasons site.
Super Smash Masonites & Robot Rights
EDIT: The preview pic for that embedded video was AE bot in front of the tom callow poster, but they changed it at some point. Just to explain why I'm talkin' bout Callow.
i don't want any piece of After Effects Compositing Bot.
Great job kids. The second part totally caught me off guard and I was again in stitches after watching the short.
dude, how did you get michael bay to appear in your video?
robots + explosions = awesome!!!!
btw, i looked for the tom callow easter egg, but couldn't spot it... what time does mr. c show up?
Hah Michael Bay begged Boing Boing to be in the same episode as our short.
Tom Callow appears in name. At the end when AE Compositing Bot is going on his killing spree- the MC Tom Callow poster from one of the Konami Code shows is visible in the background.
ahhhh... found it!
Tom, you're as slippery as an eel!
you sir, tickle me. You guys get any future development work from any of this yet!!? Cause you should have!!
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